Private HD Sessions + Creative By Design

Special Offer

$44 per HD Session


An introduction to your unique design blueprint.

Zoom or Google Meet

• Learn about your aura Type, Inner Authority, & Strategy for natural decision-making

• Explore your recurring patterns

• Better understand how you’re uniquely designed to work & create

$144 HD Session + Report


An introduction to your unique design blueprint. And a Creative By Design report, with detailed written insights on the most creative aspects of your human design chart.

Zoom or Google Meet

• Learn about your aura Type, Inner Authority, & Strategy for natural decision-making

• Explore your recurring patterns

• Better understand how you’re uniquely designed to work & create

Q: What happens in a human design session?

Creative human design sessions are a highly personalized way to gain greater self-awareness. A 1:1 session provides you with personal insights into your unique blueprint—including information to help you follow your unique inner authority and strategy for decision-making. During your session, we’ll also explore recurring patterns that might impact your life and work. And hopefully help you gain a better understanding of how you are uniquely designed to create and express yourself. The goal of a creative-focused HD Session is to help provide a new perspective how you might make decisions that feel more aligned with your creative purpose and values. And help you develop an effective and empowered creative process so you you can start expressing yourself AND creating more authentically.

Q: How can knowing more about my unique design/blueprint benefit my creative projects?

Knowing more about your unique design can help you approach creative projects in a new way that maximizes your creative energy in a productive way and AND allows you to create with greater ease and confidence. By recognizing your individual strengths and possible recurring patterns of resistance, Human Design can help you make more creatively aligned decisions; focus on the work that comes naturally to you; and help you develop creative projects that are representative and reflective of who you are.

Q: Where should I begin with my human design experiment?

A great starting point for your personal Human Design experiment is to get familiar with the basics of your chart, such as your Aura Type, Inner Authority, and Strategy. This will help you identify how you’re innately wired—what motivates you, and how you might make more aligned creative decisions. Additionally, exploring recurring patterns can offer deeper insight into how your design impacts the unique way you’re meant to work and create in the world.