This is a comprehensive course to help you create your unique brand identity.

You’ll learn how to capture your distinct strengths, style, & authentic personality to Build the Brand of YOU.

elevatE your brand through the unique story of who you are & what you do.

In today’s expanding digital landscape, it’s becoming increasingly important to have a personal brand that reflects who you are, what you do, AND helps differentiate you from others while resonating with your right tribe of people.

Creating the Brand of YOU will help you attract the right people and opportunities for you and your work.

We’ll start by exploring your values, personality, and the vision for your brand identity.
By understanding what makes you and your work unique, you’ll create a brand story that resonates with your right tribe of people.
We’ll also dive into developing your brand’s unique voice and visual identity.
You’ll learn how to create a consistent brand experience across all of your channels and online platforms—from your website to social media to email marketing.
By the end of the course, you’ll have a better understanding of the branding frameworks AND tools available to help you create a unique brand identity that aligns who YOU ARE with what YOU DO.
Your personal brand is more than just a logo and a tagline.
It’s a reflection of who you are and how others feel when they experience what you do.
This course will help you create a personal brand that aligns with your unique vision & feels authentically you.

Are you ready to build the brand of YOU?

Reserve Your Spot!

We’re meeting for FOUR (4) THURSDAYS,

starting May 18th, from 4-5:30 Central

Here’s what we’ll do!

  • Discover & define your unique personal brand
  • Create a brand story that resonates with your tribe of people
  • Develop a resonant brand voice, personality, & visual identity
  • Create a brand that aligns with your goals & values
  • Build your online presence & platforms

Here’s how it might help:

  • Attract the right people & opportunities to you & your work
  • Establish trust & authenticity with your tribe of people
  • Build a community around your brand & ideas
  • Increase your visibility & credibility
  • Expand your connections & opportunities for growth

Other things we’ll explore in this course:

Techniques for crafting compelling brand messaging and visuals

Tips for leveraging social media and other digital channels to share your brand ideas

Insights into personal branding best practices from successful heart-based entrepreneurs, helpers, healers, and artists

Reserve your space to start Building the Brand of YOU!

Week 1: Discovering Your Brand Voice

Understanding Personal Branding and Its Importance

Identifying Your Brand Values, Vision, and Purpose

Resonating with Your Tribe of People

Crafting Your Brand Personality

Week 2: Developing Your Brand Identity

Building Your Brand Story

Creating Your Brand Statement and Messaging

Crafting Your Brand Voice and Tone

Designing Your Visual Identity, Including Logo and Branded Assets

Week 3: Brand Strategy and Marketing

Developing a Unique Selling Proposition

Creating a Brand Strategy and Style Guide

Establishing Your Online Presence and Leveraging Social Media

Week 4: Brand Growth & Expansion

Building and Maintaining Trust with Your Tribe of People

Consistently Showing Up, Being Seen, and Delivering Value

Expanding Your Reach through Creative Collaboration

By the end of this course, you’ll have all the tools & insights you need to create a personal brand that sets you apart and reflects who you are and what you do AND resonates with your tribe of people.

You will also learn how to better define your unique brand story, voice, and personality, and create a brand strategy that aligns with your unique brand goals and mission.

And you’ll discover how to establish your online platforms and navigate your brand’s continued expansion

Enroll now to Build the Brand of YOU and start your journey to build your authentic personal brand!

Here’s the (tiny!) payment button 🙂

(I’m working on a better checkout solution)